Sumdog Blog
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Fluency Booster's Journey to Success
On February 28, 2025, we proudly introduced Fluency Booster, our latest educational tool aimed at…
Introducing Fluency Booster: Build confidence in core number skills
Our team are passionate about helping children develop strong foundational skills in mathematics.…
Moe's First 6 Months at Sumdog
At Sumdog, we’re always excited to celebrate the fantastic contributions of our team. Today, we’re…
Strategies for building maths fluency
Developing maths fluency is crucial for building a strong foundation in mathematics, enabling…
Maximising Year 6 SATs Preparation with Sumdog
As Year 6 SATs approach, both pupils and teachers face the challenge of mastering and revising a…
What is Maths Fluency?
Maths fluency is often misunderstood, so let’s clarify what it truly means. Maths fluency is the…
Understanding Year 6 SATs
Year 6 standardised assessment tests, commonly known as SATs, are a crucial part of the educational…
Back to School: A Fresh Start!
As the summer sun begins to wane, it’s time to dust off those school bags, sharpen those pencils,…
5 Tips to Engage Pupils in Maths Learning Over the Summer Holidays
Summer is a time filled with fun and relaxation - but it can also lead to a decline in children's…
The Intersection of Sports and Maths: A Winning Formula
Sports and maths may seem like two disparate fields, with one rooted in physical prowess and the…
Maximising Pupil Premium Funding for 2024
Discover innovative strategies to maximize the impact of Pupil Premium funding for the upcoming…
Multiplication Mastery: 5 Engaging Strategies to Teach Times Tables
Learning times tables is a key part of maths education. It's like having a toolbox when you're…
Harnessing the Power of Assessment: Pre and Post-Testing on Sumdog
Assessment plays a vital role in education, guiding both teaching strategy and pupil understanding.…
Hear From Our Schools: Jonathan McCabe at Trinity St Peter's, UK
We’ve been speaking with teachers from some of our Sumdog schools to learn more about how they’ve…
Celebrate Safer Internet Day this February on Sumdog
Safer Internet Day 2024 is right around the corner and here at Sumdog, we're excited to celebrate…
Fun Spelling Games That Will Engage Your KS2 Pupils
Discover exciting and interactive spelling games that will captivate and educate children in a fun…
Exploring the Curriculum for Excellence 2022/23 Results
"The percentage of pupils achieving the expected CfE Level has increased in 2022/23 across all…
Press Release - 2022 PISA Results UK Performance
Expert opinion: Chris Newth-West, Curricula Product Manager, Sumdog With the House of Commons…
Strategies for Year 6 SATs Exams
Year 6 SATs exams are a significant milestone in a primary school student's academic journey.
Simplify Your Login Process with QR Codes on Sumdog
Discover how Sumdog's QR code logins can simplify and enhance your login process.
Understanding the Changes to KS1 SATs in 2023
The Key Stage 1 SATs exams have long been a crucial benchmark for school. However, from 2024 the…
Everyday Maths: The Importance of Learning Maths From A Young Age
Mathematics quietly influences every facet of our daily existence in today's bustling world. From…
How Sumdog Spelling Helps Raise Attainment Levels
According to this year’s SATs results, the academic attainment levels of primary school children in…
How To Cover the White Rose Maths Year 3 'Shape' block on Sumdog
What is White Rose Maths? White Rose Maths is an award-winning maths scheme of learning developed…
Get To Know Your Pupils With Our Maths Diagnostic Assessment Tool
At the start of a new term or as part of your regular formative assessment, it’s important to know…
Helping Children Feel Represented Through Our Avatar
Last year we launched our brand-new 3D Sumdog avatar. This marked a giant step forward for us in…
How Sumdog Closes the Gap By Improving Mathematical Fluency
Did you know that persistently disadvantaged pupils in the UK are now almost two years behind their…
Spelling Lesson Activities That Will Engage Your Pupils!
The importance of teaching spelling in primary school Spelling lessons are an essential part of any…
How Sumdog Can Support Your Pupil Premium Strategy
What is pupil premium? The pupil premium grant is funding given by the UK government to…
Celebrate the End of Term with an Exciting Sumdog Maths Contest
Why is celebrating the end of term important?
Complement your White Rose Maths teaching with Sumdog
It’s no secret that making learning fun is one of the best ways to keep children motivated and…
Sumdog's New Curriculum Alignment to White Rose Maths
Later this year we’ll be releasing a new curriculum on Sumdog aligned to version 3.0 of the White…
Hear From Our Sumdog Schools: James Parkinson
We’ve been speaking with teachers from some of our Sumdog schools to learn more about how they’ve…
How to Prepare for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) with Sumdog
Prepare your pupils for the MTC assessment this June by using Sumdog to build confidence and…
Practising E-safety with Sumdog
This year, Safer Internet Day 2023 takes place on 7th February, and we here at Sumdog are looking…
Hear From Our Sumdog Schools: Jo Quince
We’ve been speaking to some of our Sumdog schools to find out how they use Sumdog with their pupils.
Hear From Our Sumdog Schools: Neil Kelsall
At Sumdog, we love hearing how teachers are using Sumdog with their pupils and the impact that it’s…
Teaching Everyday Maths with Sumdog
Recognised as being both difficult to teach and to learn – maths is a complex subject that…
How the Sumdog Maths Diagnostic Test Can Support Intervention
What is intervention in education? In today’s world, many young children face a variety of barriers…
Three Ways Gamification Can Support Mental Health
In our recent blog post, we outlined 5 key benefits of gamification in education, but there was one…
Five Top Tips for Teaching Spelling
Helping your pupils to become confident in their spelling is a key part of improving overall…
Five Key Benefits of Gamification in Education
Here at Sumdog, we’re dedicated to making learning as fun as possible! Our fun and interactive…
Setting Up an After-school Maths Club
Thinking of setting up your own after-school maths club? The team at Sumdog are here to help you…