Download spelling words lists
To help you see what spelling words are covered at each stage, we have created year-group word list documents to show you the spelling skill alongside the words covered within that skill.
So when you assign that word list to your class you will know which words they will be practising.
Download for Years 1-6.
Using Sumdog word lists
Sumdog's spelling word lists take the pressure off trying to find a list of words that match a particular spelling rule, pattern, or strategy.
Even before introducing the new spelling to the children, word lists can be shared to provide an opportunity to explore word meanings, and definitions, and expand their vocabulary. Using as part of your spelling lessons or as part of homework helps children consolidate the learning.

Practising and assessing spelling words
By creating some fun spelling practice on Sumdog, you can spark enthusiasm in your pupils and bring spelling alive. We have put together 3 ways to use our word lists to practise spelling in a fun and engaging way.

Consolidate spelling

Identify next steps