Sumdog contest prizes
For contests starting from August 2023 onwards, the prizes are as follows:
- Participation rewards: to motivate children, prizes are awarded throughout the contest as they answer a certain amount of questions correctly.
- Over 100 questions answered correctly: special surprise item for their house.
- Over 250 questions answered correctly: double coin boost.
- Over 500 questions answered correctly: special surprise item for their house.
- Over 750 questions answered correctly: quadruple coin boost.
- First place class: Pupils receive personalised printable certificates. They also receive coins, which will be automatically added to their account.
- For a regional contest or a MAT contest, pupils will be awarded 5,000 coins each.
- For a national contest, pupils will receive 10,000 coins each.
- Daily winner class: Pupils receive personalised printable certificates.
- Top 10 students: Pupils receive personalised printable certificates.

How the prizes work
Student prizes
- Download and print their personalised certificates of achievement.
- All coins and participation rewards are automatically added to pupils' accounts.
- Pupils are ranked by the number of correct answers. If pupils have the same number of correct answers, then they are ranked by their average answering speed.
Class prizes
- To qualify for a class prize, at least 5 pupils from your class must play a Sumdog game during the contest.
- The first place class is the class with the highest average number of correct answers per pupil.
- The daily winner class is the class with the highest average number of correct answers per pupil on that day. For each contest, a class can only be a daily winner once.
Terms and conditions
- All prizes are awarded at the discretion of Sumdog.
- All prizes must be claimed as above.