Sumdog almost doubles children’s fluency progress
This study set out to investigate whether using Sumdog on a regular basis has an impact on pupils’ mathematical fluency. The findings revealed that the progress made by regular Sumdog users was almost double that of non-regular users giving them a 6-month advantage over their peers.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) describes an effect size of this magnitude as “high impact”, equivalent to a six-month advantage.

Found out how Sumdog can impact the learning in your school
Parent information
We’ve created a parent version of the study for you to send home.
It explains the results of the study and how families can support children’s learning at home.

Full colour parent information

Black and white parent information
“I’d recommend Sumdog as a fun way to present mathematics to children without them even realising that they are practising their skills! Those children who have used Sumdog on a regular basis have made more progress than those who didn’t.”
J. Smith, Teacher
King David Primary School, Liverpool, UK