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  • NEW: Math Fluency Booster now launched!

    As Sumdog marks its 15th anniversary, we're implementing some thrilling updates to enhance how children learn math on the platform. Fluency Booster is here to assist children in mastering essential number skills, such as arithmetic and number bonds, to build a strong foundation before progressing to more advanced skills.

    Never tried Sumdog before? Now is the ideal moment to explore our captivating games-based platform.

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    Sumdog on a rocket

    What can you do on Sumdog?


    Engage and motivate

    Engage your children at home with over 35 educational games to help practice math and spelling.

    Monitor progress

    Monitor your child's progress with our diagnostic report, providing a snapshot of children’s progress.
    Personalised practice

    Personalized practice

    Let your child play independently or set challenges on specific areas to practice key skills.

    Sumdog works on a range of Android, Apple and Kindle Fire devices 

    Try Sumdog Family for free for 30 days!

    Payment details are required to access the trial but you can cancel anytime. This offer is valid for customers who are new to Sumdog and have not previously had a free trial.

    Start your free trial