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  • Request a free trial to access our tables challenges and more!

    Develop number fluency

    A good understanding of mutliplication tables, and the ability to recall them quickly, is an essential foundation for children’s learning. Those children with a strong grasp of  tables are more confident in their calculations and tend to be more self-assured when learning new mathematical concepts.

    Read our 1-page guide below to find out more about our tables tools.

    Develop number fluency

    'I've been teaching for 13 years and i've never come across a tool as effective as Sumdog for practicing multiplication facts. My students absolutely love it!'


    Ben Z, Grade 5/6 Teacher
    Valleyview Centennial School

    Sumdog Tables Challenges

    1.  Choose which tables you want children to practice, how many questions you want them to answer, and how long the challenge will run for.
    2. Students play their favorite game whilst focusing on your chosen tables. For every correct answer, they're rewarded with Sumdog coins!
    3.  With our heatmap, you can quickly see where they're struggling and identify tables that need some extra practice.


      Request a trial


    Explore the benefits of Sumdog Premium with a free trial. Includes over 30 games for K - 8, standards-aligned personalized practice, auto-marked reporting and more!