Request a free trial to access our tables challenges and more!
Develop number fluency
A good understanding of mutliplication tables, and the ability to recall them quickly, is an essential foundation for children’s learning. Those children with a strong grasp of tables are more confident in their calculations and tend to be more self-assured when learning new mathematical concepts.
Read our 1-page guide below to find out more about our tables tools.

'I've been teaching for 13 years and i've never come across a tool as effective as Sumdog for practicing multiplication facts. My students absolutely love it!'
Ben Z, Grade 5/6 Teacher
Valleyview Centennial School
Sumdog Tables Challenges
- Choose which tables you want children to practice, how many questions you want them to answer, and how long the challenge will run for.
- Students play their favorite game whilst focusing on your chosen tables. For every correct answer, they're rewarded with Sumdog coins!
- With our heatmap, you can quickly see where they're struggling and identify tables that need some extra practice.
Request a trial
Explore the benefits of Sumdog Premium with a free trial. Includes over 30 games for K - 8, standards-aligned personalized practice, auto-marked reporting and more!